Monday, January 3, 2005

AND ACTUALLY, THE WHOLE GEORGE W. BUSH PRESIDENCY IS JUST AN ELABORATE SETUP FOR "JOE SCHMO 3:" With word that former general and presidential candidate Wes Clark is planning an autobiographical sitcom (though, haven't we seen this before?), thoughts turn to the rest of the Democratic primary field and what they'll be doing in television in the future.

Al Sharpton: Already has a decent media career, so doesn't have much to worry about.

Carol Moseley Braun: Will take over for Star Jones on "The View."

Dennis Kuicinch: Will star in remake of "Darby O'Gill and the Little People."

Bob Graham: Will create quasi-reality sitcom based on his diaries. I already can't wait for the episode based on "8:50-9:15 kitchen - brew coffee - eat breakfast (Raisin Bran cereal)."

John Edwards: Joins "Boston Legal" to play "John Edwards," a former presidential candidate who joins Crane, Poole, and Schmidt to give it some much needed credibility. Edwards/DennyCrane '08!

Howard Dean: Will join "Everwood" as yet another cantakerous local doctor who decides to run against Rose Abbott for mayor, clashing with both Drs. Brown and Abbott in the process.