GUESS THIS MEANS "THE TRAMPOLINE BEAR SHOW" IS OFF THE SCHEDULE: The Baltimore Sun (reg. required, bugmenot) picks up where Kornheiser and Wilbon left off in a brief "PTI" segment yesterday with this question--should ESPN eliminate their own "shout shows" in response to CNN's elimination of "Crossfire?" I'm perfectly fine with losing "Around The Horn" and "The Sports Reporters," but please, let's not lump "PTI," a sports news and debate show lively enough for even a non-sports-fan like myself to enjoy, in with those. I will note that "PTI" demonstrates the importance of host choice in this sort of show--the show is almost incapable of functioning without the Kornheiser/Wilbon duo both present, something producers seem to have picked up on in recent months, rarely using substitutes but instead arranging for remotes for the travelling half of the pair or just not having a show.