Wednesday, January 5, 2005

DANIEL MENAKER IS A DIRTY OLD MAN WHO WANTS TO BEFRIEND THE 'GENEROUS MOUTH' OF NELLIE MCKAY: It's barely even the subtext of Menaker's profile of pop singer McKay in Sunday's NYT Magazine, which is much more about How I, Daniel Menaker, Have Figured Out The Real Nellie McKay much more than it is about, y'know, McKay herself.

While most of the article was merely solipsistic and goofy, one parenthetical floored me:
She is related to Dylan Thomas -- as some press releases say -- or, according to Thomas's daughter, Aeronwy Thomas, she isn't. (Well, we're all descended from one guy in the Caucasus 50,000 years ago.)

Now, I'm no anthropologist, but who's this "we" he's referring to, kemo sabe? Aren't there millions of Americans -- many of whom also read the New York Times on Sundays -- who are not descended from the Caucasus Mountains?