Tuesday, October 25, 2005

SETTING THINGS RIGHT WHERE THEY ONCE WERE WRONG: This morning's Times has an interesting profile of the man who can claim to be TV's most successful currently active producer--Donald P. Bellisario. While others have him beat in terms of quantity of shows produced (Aaron Spelling), quality of shows produced, and media buzz (J.J. Abrams), you can't deny the fact that for 25 straight years, Bellisario has had a successful program on the air (with a few missed balls in there, too). Among Bellisario's productions:
  • Magnum, P.I.
  • Airwolf
  • Quantum Leap
  • JAG
  • First Monday (aka, "Joe Mantegna plays a kinder, gentler Scalia")
  • NCIS

Leaving aside its final episode (which I'm STILL not sure if I understand) and some flights of ridiculousness in the late seasons (the "evil leaper" arc), Quantum Leap remains a solid sci-fi show, with moments of brilliance (the Lee Harvey Oswald leap is a classic, especially the "reveal" in the final few seconds of the episode of how Sam actually did "change history."), though I was never a fan of his more recent products.