Thursday, June 22, 2006

NEXT WEEK WE HAVE KANSAS-STYLE MIDDLE SCHOOL ONE-LEGGED HIP HOP: So how many different genres of hip hop are there, anyway? While one of my favorite aspects of SYTYCD has always been the opportunity to see and learn about an array of dance styles, I was left a little cold by this week's crumping / old school East Coast / whatever the heck the other one was combination of hip hop performances. Or maybe it's just that I didn't like those two women who were choreographing the non-crump stuff. Whatever. I have new respect for Shane Sparks, Dan Karaty, and Brian Friedman's choreography. I also violently disliked the Heidi/Ryan "pop" routine and found it interesting that the same choreographer put together both that dance and the utterly gorgeous Natalie/Musa contemporary dance. Natalie, incidentally, seems to be the only female dancer on the show with any sex appeal whatsoever. And, of course, the pimping of Donyelle and Benji continues -- which isn't entirely unreasonable, as they are appealing both separately and together. (And yes, if I'd watched last night's performances in a timely fashion, I would surely have included Nigel's sincere and lovely comments to Donyelle in my body image post of earlier today.)

Thought that both America and the judges made the right decision, although I was kind of expecting them to send Aleksandra home for that utterly deflating defeatist attitude during the results show. I do think that she and Dmitry have the potential to be a much better partnership than either of them managed to achieve with their previous partners.