I THINK YOU'RE THE MOST ATTRACTIVE OF ALL MY PARENTS' FRIENDS: Dustin Hoffman turned 70 today. At some point during the past few years, he somehow turned from Great Actor Who Doesn't Work A Lot to, instead, Guy Who's Competing With De Niro With The Most Shameless Pissing Away Of Legacy Through Overexposure In Crappy Films.
Benjamin Braddock? Great, often misunderstood role. (As I see it, the trick to the movie is that they're all fools; he's no hero at all.) Loved Tootsie, though I know many here don't. Rain Man, I don't think I can sit through again -- is it a gimmick, or is it Great Acting? So when I think about Perceived Talent versus Actual Talent, I start to wonder why his reputation seems to exceed contemporaries like Gene Hackman and Robert Duvall.
So explain it to me, folks.