Thursday, September 20, 2007

FRANCIE WAS NEVER HERE: So how many people, exactly, at People Magazine cover Grey's Anatomy? I swear that there were about as many commentators on last night's Addison Forbes Montgomery Shepherd "Please Come Watch Her New Show" retrospective as there are doctors at Seattle Grace. And not one of them had anything remotely insightful to say: "Wasn't it just so saaaaad to see Addison realize that Derek really really loves Meredith???"

Nitwittery aside, I was amused to see how the Private Practice bits were edited to (a) eliminate all trace of Merrin Dungey and replace her with the heretofore-unseen Audra McDonald and (b) show the naked-Addison-dancing silhouette as many times as humanly possible. I'm not sure how I feel about the new show and its prospects. Although I can't remember anyone having thought that the spinoff setup episode of GA was actually any good, I also can't think of any GA fans who don't have a real soft spot in their hearts -- and thus potentially their DVRs -- for Addison.

As for GA itself, I will be curious to see how the show deals with not one but two gaping character holes. I have to assume that when the decision was made to give Kate Walsh her own show, no one thought that Isaiah Washington was going to blow himself up and get ousted from the show at the same time. Without Addison and Burke, the medical staff at Seattle Grace is suddenly rather short on actual grownups. And the addition of the half-sister-of-Meredith-whose-residency-application-was-somehow-never-mentioned-to-her seems likely to further that trend.

p.s. Looking over the posts for the last 24 hours or so, let me just say how happy it makes me that we've got the fall tv season rolling. It was a long dry summer this year, and it's nice to have everyone back in town.