WHEN GIRLS HAVE STANKY ATTITUDES, IT IRKS ME: Crackhead mothers, abused children, Aspergers-ADHD double-diagnoses, non-nude strippers, people named Marvita, $25 weaves -- it must be America's Next Top Model time!
Tyra: "You've had a hard life. Tell us about the difficult times you had, beginning with the crackhead mother and continuing through the homelessness, the gout, the psoriasis, the loss of innocence, the strained relationship with your barista, and the time some stranger with no sense of boundaries asked you to describe all of the difficult times you had but was just using you for your story without any intention of returning the favor. Do not omit any details."
Holy crap, that girl's name is Spontaniouse?
Two inviolable rules of ANTM: There is, as always, an Ebony. Ebony is, as always, disliked by her peers.
The girl from Yale is a dead ringer for Millie from Freaks & Geeks.
This show is a great example of why you shouldn't do reality shows back-to-back. Jaslene couldn't crack the top 13 two cycles ago, and she wouldn't crack it this season either. This is kind of an embarrassment of riches.
But: Mila? Really?