Saturday, September 15, 2007

Television Without Pity 2006-2007 Tubey Awards: Tubey Awards of Questionable Cachet

INCLUDING THE AWARD FOR "BEST FAKE '80S-STYLE MUSIC VIDEO GENERATED FOR A SITCOM: Ah, it's TWoP's Tubey Awards season again, with sections including the reader vote-based Memorable Moments and Thingies, The Montgomery Burns Awards for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence, and The Biggies, plus the staff's Tubey Awards of Questionable Cachet, which includes this post's title and....
The Dr. Nikolas Van Helsing Memorial Award
What does every rich person need? An enabling medical doctor. And that's why Dr. Leo Spaceman, physician to 30 Rock's Tracy Jordan and Jack Donaghy, is this year's recipient of an award given to MDs who remind us that medicine isn't an exact science, but a frustrating venture that must continue even after the powerful bread lobby shuts down your groundbreaking studies. Now, who wants some reds and purples?