Sunday, October 7, 2007

CAPTAIN JACK WILL GET YOU BY TONIGHT: Both because I'm mildly embarassed to admit that I watch it, and because Alan's done such an excellent job of covering it, I've not devoted any blogink to this season of Doctor Who (or of Torchwood, which I'm enjoying a lot more than Alan is), but the Who season finale this week seems an appropriate point to have a thread.

The most significant thing about this season is unquestionably that Steven Moffat has solidified his claim as being a member of the pantheon of TV Gods alongside Bochco, Sorkin, Kelley, Whedon, and the like. Coupling made a pretty good case for his greatness (and HIMYM owes more than a little to Coupling--Barney is something of a Patrick/Jeff hybrid, Robin has a lot of Susan's characteristics, the Marshall/Lily relationship is reminiscent of Susan/Steve, and the shows share a similar predeliction to playing with time, but "Blink" is just an excellent hour of television (and one which you don't need any background on the Doctor to understand). Most of the episode appears to be on YouTube (at least for the moment), and is well worth checking out, full of "timey-wimey stuff" as it is, and with evil that's genuinely frightening, even if it never moves. This is far more Buffy than the old school Who, which often looked like the budget for an average episode was around 40 quid.