Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I HAVE A VERY LIMITED DOMAIN: I just watched Private Practice for the first time since the premiere. I don't have a problem, per se, with the show; in fact, it's a perfectly acceptable way to pass an hour. But there's nothing that particularly makes me want to watch it next week. (Or, for that matter, to go back and watch the episodes from the last couple of weeks that are parked on my DVR.) It feels more like a soapy Law & Order than a grownup Grey's Anatomy -- just a series of free-standing episodes without any linear arc.

At core, I just don't find the characters to be all that compelling. Do I really care whether Cooper ever marshalls the emotional energy to declare himself to Violet? Meh. Whether Violet gets over her stalky thing? Not so much. Does Naomi and Sam's divorce move me one way or another? Nah. Do I feel the slightest bit of tension over Pete and Addison's will-they-or-won't-they? Yawn. Does the "unconventional medical practice" thing create any interesting opportunity for medical intrigue? Thus far, it's not that unconventional other than the absence of nurse support. And, most bummingly, Addison herself just isn't proving to be all that interesting.

To date, I'll take ANTM over Private Practice every week. Naysayers should feel free to step in and say nay.