Thursday, October 18, 2007

WHAT'S CHANNEL 9 IF IT DOESN'T HAVE ARSENIO? NYT tech correspondent David Pogue offers a list of imponderables, including:
  • Why is Wi-Fi free at cheap hotels, but $14 a night at expensive ones?
  • Would the record companies sell more music online if it weren’t copy-protected?
  • Wi-Fi on airplanes. What’s taking so long?
  • Who are the morons who respond to junk-mail offers, thereby keeping spammers in business?
  • How are we going to preserve all of our digital photos and videos for future generations?
  • Why don’t public sinks have foot pedals?
  • Why don’t all hotels have check-in kiosks like airlines do?
  • Five billion dollars a year spent on ringtones? What the?
  • Why doesn’t someone start a cellphone company that bills you only for what you use? That model works O.K. for the electricity, gas and water companies —and people would beat a path to its door.
Anyone? Or more questions -- such as mine: if iTunes shifted to variable pricing (more popular songs/albums become more expensive, and obscure ones are as cheap as a dime), would Apple make more money than it does now, and would the overall number of songs purchased increase or decrease?