I came late to Bravo's "Project Runway," and I have no excuse for my lateness save ignorance and an outdated, pig-headed resistance to reality TV. But now I am a TV critic, so I am watching everything and, frankly, I cannot believe how fabulous, and unnervingly addictive, "Project Runway" is. I sit down to watch an episode of a previous season on DVD and, bam, there's three hours gone while deadlines fly by and dinner simmers to scorched nothingness. Because I have to find out What Happened Next.Reality Blurred has more links, including Denhart's own piece about how the show (and this season of it) has more talent than any other in reality tv.
Who thought of this show? They should get the first-ever Nobel Prize for television. Combining the best aspect of reality TV -- truth is always stranger, and more disturbingly ambitious, than fiction -- and the survivalist cunning of a really good spy serial, "Project Runway" is essentially "Mission: Impossible" for fashionistas. To save the world, host Klum intones, you must construct a prom dress out of whatever you can find in a dentist's office. And next thing you know, a perfectly presentable frock made out of dental floss and spit cups is waltzing down the runway.
From the Wayback Machine, here's just some of what we've written about the show over the years. Season four, tonight: let's make it work, people.