Thursday, February 26, 2009

TOP CHEF OPEN THREAD: Well, it's done. The challenge was predictably wide open. A cast of runners-up was predictably marched in to sous-chef the finalists. Marcel and Richard both still had curious hair. Cooking ensued.

Marcel was also sporting a "take me seriously" Wolverine beard and some remaindered-window-of-a-Ram-van looking sunglasses. I decline the invitation (to take him seriously), but will upgrade him in my heart from "MC Teen Wolf" to "MC 900ft Teen Wolf" for the effort. And who knew you could say "twat" on television? Does it help if you're Finnish?

Beyond that it's not clear what I could say without spoiling the results, except that everyone fell down in some way with one of their courses last night. The results were then decided by the difference in the way those tumbles registered on the familiar judges' table Richter scale of culinary sins. These might be fairly characterized as a stumble, a slide, and catastrophe, respectively.

The big lesson: Do not collaborate with your sous-chef.

Spoil-away in the comments.