Thursday, April 9, 2009

ALOTT5MA STANDARDS AND PRACTICES DEP'T: In checking to make sure the language in my prior post was appropriate, I took a look back, and found the following interesting data on who we have previously determined to be a douchebag:

  • Jason Mesnick from The Bachelor
  • The people of the state of Oklahoma ("proud douchebag buffoons")
  • Aubrey McClendon ("vice-douchebag," but nonetheless, an "impressive douchebag")
  • Clay Bennett ("douchebag-in-chief")
  • Scott Spiezio ("wealthy douchebag")
  • Joe Don Morton, the first "Captain" from short-lived CBS reality show Pirate Master
  • Most people who attempt to sing Queen songs on American Idol
  • Ozzie Guillen
  • Arlen Specter
  • Rene Auberjonois' character on Benson
  • Matt Rogers from American Idol
  • People who believe Paul McCrane actually lost an arm
  • Commander Lock from Matrix Reloaded
  • Luke Skywalker (a "blonde wussy douchebag")

ETA--Clarification from Isaac, via comments--"I did not say that the people of Oklahoma are 'proud douchebag buffoons.' I said that the editorial staff of Oklahoma Today believed the people of Oklahoma to be proud douchebag buffoons, as evidenced by their picking a proud douchebag buffoon (Bennett) as Oklahoman of the Year. . . . I was not insulting Oklahomans, I was saying that the decision of that newspaper was insulting to Oklahomans."