Thursday, September 10, 2009

LIKE FACING BABE RUTH, LOU GEHRIG, JIMMIE FOXX, AL SIMMONS AND JOE CRONIN IN A ROW, EXCEPT THERE ARE NO CARL HUBBELLS AMONG THE CHEFTESTANTS: I mean, seriously, has there ever been a Judge's Table on any reality show ever as accomplished and fearsome as Robuchon, Keller, Tourondel, Boulud and Joho? [I've eaten at three of their restaurants -- Boulud's Daniel and db Bistro Moderne and Tourondel's BLT Steak -- and, yeah, reputation well-earned. As for Robuchon, let Jay Rayner explain.]

I don't have much else to say about last night's Top Chef Vegas show -- at this point, Jennifer Carroll not making the finals would be as shocking as Daughtry's ouster from Idol, and the eliminations were justified on the record. Vegas is a great city for foodies, and this has been a solid, solid season.