Saturday, September 12, 2009

TEENAGE ANGST HAS PAID OFF WELL, OR "XBOX-FRIENDLY UNIT SHIFTER": A brouhaha minicap: Courtney Love is pissed that Activision's Guitar Hero 5 not only puts Kurt Cobain into the uncanny valley but also lets him do this:

Except, um, she apparently signed the license letting Activision do it and Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic want and have nothing to do with it, urging Activision to re-lock the feature. ("It's hard to watch an image of Kurt pantomiming other artists' music alongside cartoon characters. Kurt Cobain wrote songs that hold a lot of meaning to people all over the world. We feel he deserves better.")

The moral of the story, of course, is to hire good IP lawyers. It's Courtney Love's moral and legal responsibility to protect her late husband's legacy and image, not Activision's. One wonders, by the way, how the Cash family feels.

[One also wonders, on the eve of another VMAs (should we liveblog?), whether Krist would license the rights to reproduce this moment of his.]