Saturday, September 12, 2009

NOT HOSTED BY RUSSELL BRAND: The big Emmys (NPH! A live superstar band! A Shaiman/Wittman song for NPH!) aren't for another week, but the technical ones are being handed out right now, and results are here. A few things of interest.
  • Pushing Daisies gets a well-deserved award in art direction (for the Chinese restaurant episode, which also wins for makeup), and it also picks up a costumes award (for the honey/bees episode).
  • Casting in a comedy series goes as expected to 30 Rock, but drama sees a rather inexplicable win for True Blood over Mad Men, Damages, The Tudors, and FNL.
  • The four SYTYCD and one DWTS nominees apparently split votes all over the place, so best choreography goes to the Jackman/Efron/Hudgens "Musicals Are Back!" number from the Oscars.
  • Two of the four guest actor awards have been announced, and SNL has won an acting award for the first time since Dana Carvey won in 1993 for Justin Timberlake. ETA--make that two--Comedy guest actors go to Timberlake and Fey for SNL, and drama to Michael J. Fox for Rescue Me and Ellen Burstyn for playing Mama Stabler on SVU
  • United States of Tara wins the award for its opening credits.
  • Heroes for visual effects? Over the Fringe pilot and the BSG finale? Really?
  • Chuck wins an Emmy! Admittedly, for stunts, but, still, it's an EMMY!
  • ETA--Yes, Dr. Horrible can add "Emmy-winning" to its resume!
ETA--Dr. Horrible co-writer and performer Maurissa Tancharoen is tweeting up a storm from the show, with multiple pics.