Friday, September 25, 2009

REMEMBER, REMEMBER, REMEMBER: The critics take a good look at the remake of Fame and tell us what they see (and largely, it ain't good) -- Tasha Robinson is pleased ("Hogwarts has nothing on New York’s High School Of Performing Arts. ... largely a raw, uplifting love letter to creativity in every possible form"); but Ebert is sad ("Why take a touching experience and make it into a shallow exercise? Why begin with a R-rated look at plausible kids with real problems and tame it into a PG-rated after-school special?"), and so is Carrie Rickey ("As a demo reel showcasing seven promising young talents from their freshman through senior years, it's pleasant enough. As a movie dramatizing the talent and dedication required to make it, the Fame reboot has fleet feet but lacks heart.")

Meanwhile, my friend Pam Spaulding explores the de-gaying of Fame, and I just wonder if they at least comped Harlemm Lee a ticket.

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