AN ELECTRIC NIGHT OF BASEBALL: So I went to the Phillies game last night and saw a foul ball land two seats away from me, a rare out on runner's interference, Joe Blanton best Albert Pujols three straight times (let's not talk about the fourth) and thousands of Phillies fans pulling up Tennessee v. Garner (1985) on their Blackberries because we've never seen a guy get Tasered for running onto the field before.
Video here if you haven't seen it, and it's worth viewing in its entirety from that angle because it makes clear that this particular trespasser had no intent to harm any of the players or umpires on the field -- look at how many he ran past. He was an idiot running around for as long as he could, and IMHO this was an unnecessary, excessive and dangerous use of force -- though with notable deterrent effect as to future miscreants. Seriously, though: just keep chasing him. He ain't goin' nowhere.