Monday, June 14, 2010

YES, VEXILLOGISTS, WE WILL ACCEPT "FREAK FLAG" AS A LEGITIMATE RESPONSE: It's Flag Day, yo. Show the flag some respect, and name a favorite flag.

(Some of mine: Nepal, South Korea, Maryland, New Mexico.)


  1. Joseph J. Finn12:10 PM

    Also, tey the Mental Floss flag quizzes.

    State Flags (12/15 for me)

    Hard flags (12/11 for me)

  2. The Pathetic Earthling12:43 PM

    Greenland, Northern Territory (AUS), Mozambique (a modern bit of heraldry, that one, with the AK-47), and South Africa.

  3. I like Nepal too -- also Antigua and Greenland.  Of the state flags, I think Alaska and South Carolina are my favorites.

  4. Marsha12:45 PM

    12/15 on the state flags, 9/12 on the hard flags, both completely by accident - didn't know most of them and did a lot of vaguely educated guessing.

    Oddly, some of my favorite flags are from countries I'm not so fond of. I love the Libyan flag, just because I think it's so damned bold. And I love the Cuban flag too.But I think Bahrain is my favorite country flag.

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I've always liked the flag for the Isle of Man:

  6. The Pathetic Earthling12:49 PM

    I was 12/12 on the Hard Flag test, missed two (Michigan and Penn.) on the State Flags.  I often have a hard time with those flags that are just blue with a crest.  

  7. Heather K1:16 PM

    I really love New Mexico's flag and Libya's flag.  Those are my favorites.

  8. Genevieve1:25 PM

    Now that is a <span>very</span> cool flag.

  9. D'Arcy1:25 PM

    I'm partial my own - when I was living outside of Canada and caught sight of the Maple Leaf, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd seen in a while.  

  10. Charles1:28 PM

    Alaska, Indiana, and the European Union--I guess I have a thing for stars on blue fields. I also like the flags of Kazakhstan and Argentina and Bhutan's fantastic dragon.

  11. Greg W2:05 PM

    I hadn't seen Seychelles in a while, but that's quite a dramatic flag. And, though Tokelau's is supposed to have a canoe, it looks more like Jaws to me -- way more menacing than Mozambique. As far as the states go, I also adore Maryland and have to give props to my home state for being so damned literal (We're WASHINGTON, the EVERGREEN state). I also love that Oregon gets to have a two-sided flag because they can't NOT have a beaver on it.

  12. I'm quite fond of the former yugoslav Republic of Macedonia flag. 

  13. The Pathetic Earthling2:37 PM

    Ugh.  Great flag.  Terrible, awful, depraved position of the Department of State to insist that we call it the FYROM.

  14. isaac_spaceman2:58 PM

    Don't get mad at me, but divorced from politics, the old Japanese rising-sun flag was quite graphically appealing.

  15. Emily W2:58 PM

    Definitely Cambodia. I've been told it's the only national flag with a piece of architecture on it.

  16. Uncle Spike3:55 PM

    I'm partial to my home state - Colorado has a wonderful flag - but for sheer interest value, Maryland's flag kicks ass over all others. Other favorites: Arizona, New Mexico, Ohio, Iowa, Hawaii.
    Incidentally, I hate the flags that are just the state seal on a bland (usually dark blue) background. Nondescript and don't really inspire pride in one's home state (that is, were I to live in a state with said type of flag).

  17. The Pathetic Earthling5:11 PM

    I agree.  It's still in use for both the Self-Defense Force and the Navy, although most prominently as the Naval Ensign.

  18. The Other Kate5:16 PM

    Hee, my home state's flag is totally state-seal-on-a-dark-blue-background. BUT it not nondescript, it is script: sword, spear, a tumbled crown, and a dead guy felled by Amazonian Virtue, who is showing boob.

    Maryland's flag looks to me like a migraine feels, but we Virginians and Marylanders are traditionally at odds.

  19. Adlai5:27 PM
