I ENJOY BEING ON THE BOTTOM, IF THAT'S WHERE I AM: When they announced that this would be a double-Tribal episode of Survivor, I pretty much figured out what that mean. I just didn't know it would be this much fun. I can say "Rob Rob Rob Rob - please count this as 4 votes" above the fold; the rest will wait a moment.
Double tribal = double Pagong, and no need to linger on the obvious decisions. Give Rob credit for creating an uncrackable group of six -- because, surely, it was in someone's interest to switch from being the bottom of that sextet to the middle of the other group. The "buddy system" was genius, and in addition to being one of the game's best strategist Rob is surely among the best narrators any reality show has ever had. No one knows how to confide in the camera better.
The other development worth noting tonight was Philip's growth as a trash-talker and raconteur, as well as guy self-aware enough to realize where he stands with Rob. Seriously, the second Tribal monologue? Priceless. Stealth R Us!