Thursday, July 19, 2012

APPARENTLY, THEY ARE NOT AS BIG A FAN OF MUSICALS AS WE'D THOUGHT:  A few thoughts about this morning's Emmy nominations:
  • For the first time ever, no network show is nominated for Best Drama Series (Good Wife did not make the cut), though PBS gets in with Downton Abbey.  (Other nominees are Mad Men, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad, and Homeland.)
  • Likewise, HBO has 3 of 6 nominees for Best Comedy--Girls, Veep, and Curb Your Enthusiasm, with Modern Family, 30 Rock, and Big Bang Theory filling out the category (no nomination for Parks and Rec? ).  Modern Family goes 6 for 6, with every adult in the cast getting an acting nomination.
  • Notable snubs--Glee (Dot-Marie Jones is the only major nominee), Smash (Uma Thurman is the only major nominee, though it gets choreography, score, and an original song nod for "Let Me Be Your Star"), Parks and Rec (no love for any of the cast beyond Poehler).
  • Notable surprises--Don Cheadle, lead actor in a comedy for House of Lies, Mayim Bialik, Merritt Wever,  Community getting nominated for writing for "Remedial Chaos Theory," Downton Abbey getting 6 acting nominations and not merely Maggie Smith, much love for Breaking Bad beyond Cranston/Paul. Jason Ritter being the first and only person from Parenthood to get a nomination.
I'm sure there's more, but that's just a quick read.  Share your thoughts in the comments.