Monday, June 30, 2003

SOMETIMES, IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT DAN DUQUETTE AND JIM STEINMAN WERE PARTIALLY OUR FAULT: Continuing this blog's around-the-clock coverage of the NESCAC bond market, both Moody's Investor's Service and Standard and Poor's have given Amherst College bonds an 'AAA' rating, the highest available. According to the College's press release:
Standard & Poor's praised Amherst's "exceptional endowment growth," "impressive demand" for admission, low debt and "good operations." Moody's based its rating on "Amherst's broad-based student draw supporting excellent student demand, vast financial resources relative to operating budget and debt and consistently superior operating performance."

Read more about it here.

Williams College: don't send your kids there; and don't send your money there either.