Wednesday, March 3, 2004

BECAUSE EVEN 'MARCI X' DESERVES SOME PROPS: Yankee Pot Roast presents the 2003 Sexist & Xenophobic Awards for filmmaking accomplishments last year. Your nominees included:
Most Confusing to the White Man:

--Wait, Kingpin's a black dude?; Daredevil
--Wait, God's a black dude?; Bruce Almighty
--Is Jessica Alba multiëthnic?; Honey
--How 'bout Vin Diesel?; A Man Apart

Most Uncomfortable Homoerotic Moment:

--Russell Crowe winks at a dirty South American hooker from the boat, but otherwise prefers the company of young boys; Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
--Frolicsome hobbits pillow-fighting; The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
--Johnny Depp's fabulous eyeliner; Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl
--Shirtless, pubescent lost boys and a fairy; Peter Pan

I believe this is the first time Jude Law wasn't nominated in the category.

Via Uncle Grambo, natch.