Monday, March 1, 2004

FROM THE PEOPLE WHO BROUGHT YOU 'SCHOOL OF COCK': By request of one of our fellow blog travellers, and even with the full awareness that there's now a website devoted to the topic, and even though I can't find the last time we did this in the archives, I hereby open the floor to your nominations for the latest installment of Porn Title Equivalents For Films In Current (Or Upcoming) Release.

Stu started things off via email with Cold Mountin', and here's my initial foray:
Girl With A Pearl Necklace
Deeper By The Dozen
21 Slams
Mask Her And Command Her
The Perfect Whore
Someone's Gotta Give Me A Blow Job
The Pushin' I Did Thrice

Jen suggests one that needs no change in title: The Triplets of Belleville. Indeed.

As for you . . .