Wednesday, November 30, 2005

SO WILL DR. HIZZY BE THE GUEST JUDGE FOR BRITPOP WEEK? For those of you who might care, Fox's spring schedule is out. Of note:
  • House stays put on Tuesday nights after Idol, rather than moving to Mondays at 8. Sadly, this means it's likely staying against TAR.
  • Bones gets set to pasture against Lost, where it's likely to be cancelled.
  • Skating With Celebrities debuts on January 18, then moving to Mondays at 8 on January 23.
  • 24, Season 5, begins with 4 hours over two nights on January 15 and 16.
  • Prison Break returns March 20, taking over the Skating With Celebrities slot.
  • Stacked and That 70s Show are sent to their doom on Thursdays at 9. Maybe Marissa Jaret Winokur can now get a gig that's worthy of her talents.