Thursday, December 1, 2005

YOU'RE FIRED: NBC's new spring schedule is out, and there are big moves afoot. No version of The Apprentice of any recipe remains on the schedule, with NBC returning to its comedy roots on Thursdays. Big shifts are:
  • Fear Factor takes over the Biggest Loser leadoff slot on Tuesdays, with Biggest Loser: Special Edition taking over Apprentice: Martha's slot on Wednesdays.
  • Scrubs returns to Tuesdays at 9, forcing a confrontation between Drs. House, Kelso, and Cox (now that would be a show I'd watch)!
  • Joey and The Apprentice disappear from Thursdays, which becomes a comedy block (Will & Grace, Four Kings, Earl, The Office) to lead in to ER.
  • The intriguing drama The Book of Daniel, about an Episcopal priest whose addiction to painkillers may be causing him to hallucinate visions of Jesus, comes to Friday nights.

I'll give Book of Daniel a shot, but the remaining new programming suffers from conflicts or "bleh" syndrome. You?