Sunday, December 30, 2007

PRESENTED BY LAST YEAR'S WINNER, MATTHEW PERRY: I'm honored to present the ALOTT5MA Award for Outstanding Performance On A Not-Very Good Show. This year, the winner is pretty darn clear, and it's Holly Hunter for Saving Grace. The oddball combination of edgy HBO police procedural (with plenty of language, sex, and nudity) and Joan of Arcadia has incredibly muddy theology and is almost invariably incredibly predictable, especially in its cop stories (Grace's self-destructive nature renders her a difficult witness, the "big reveal" of Grace's dark secret). But Hunter's performance, as, as the (great) theme song puts it, "a heart full of gold on a lonely road" who "don't even think that God can save [her]" is worth watching the show for. Bonus points for employing Graham Chase as Grace's brother, a Catholic priest (Also nominated in this category? Glenn Close for Damages, who loses because the show is just good enough to get out of this category and because Ted Danson also made that show worth watching.)