Friday, January 4, 2008

BETCHA DIDN'T SEE THIS ONE COMING . . . THE LEGENDARY MISS BRITNEY SPEARS: Only four days into the new year, and already I can't keep track of what's going on with Britney. I don't think we're quite at the death watch stage, but Elton John might want to get cracking on some rousing "farewell Louisiana's kudzu" lyrics.

As a public service, allow me to make an effort to summarize where I think we stand at the moment (all facts and conclusions subject to further development at a moment's notice).
  • January 3, 9:30 am: Britney scheduled to show up for oft-postponed-due-to-attack-of-the-don't wannas deposition, pursuant to court order to get herself deposed during first week of January or else.
  • January 3, 11:32 am: Britney shows up, is deposed for 14 minutes prior to prenegotiated deposition termination time of 11:45 am. (Apparently she gave Federline's attorney a bonus minute, extending the terminus to 11:46 am.)
  • January 3, noon - 7:30 pm: Apparently distraught by each and every minute of the deposition, Britney spends her previously scheduled court-permitted visit with her kids at home. Unclear whether children participated in Britney's afternoon activities.
  • January 3, 7:30 pm: Britney is supposed to turn kids over to Federline's bodyguards.
  • January 3, 7:31 pm: Britney turns over exactly one kid (Sean Preston), barricades self in locked bedroom with other kid (Jayden James).
  • January 3, 7:32 pm: Bodyguards count children in their possession and realize that they are one short. Bodyguards bang on bedroom door to ask for other child.
  • January 3, 8:00 pm: Police are summoned to Spears' house to assist with convincing crazy lady to unlock the door and give her baby to ex-husband's bodyguards. Police report that Britney is incoherent.
  • January 3, sometime between 10 -11 pm: Britney persuaded to come out of bedroom -- apparently after ex-assistant Alli Sims broke through bathroom door with hammer and called ambulance. Britney and Jayden taken to hospital in ambulance.
  • January 4, 1 am: Britney admitted to Cedars-Sinai. Britney triaged and sent to psychiatric ward without passing go. All clothing and possessions taken away to prevent Britney from harming herself.
  • Late night/early morning, January 4: Jayden released to Federline. Britney not released.
  • January 4, 8:30 am: Court convenes for emergency custody hearing. Matter adjourned until 1:30 pm.
  • January 4, 1:30 pm: Court reconvenes for closed hearing. Britney represented by lawyer who several days ago asked to be relieved as counsel for "impossible" client.
  • January 4, 3:30ish pm: Court issues order awarding Federline sole legal and physical custody of both kids. Britney's visitation rights suspended pending further court order. Next hearing to take place January 14.
  • Now: Britney still at Cedars-Sinai, apparently sedated and resting. Possibly on 72-hour medical hold. Jamie Lynn Spears still pregnant.

(Too many sources to link to directly, but hat tip to Page Six, TMZ, EOnline, The Sun, and the AP, among others.)