Friday, May 23, 2008

BE AN EXTRAORDINARY WOMAN; OR, ALTERNATIVELY, A STUPID BITCH: Whole lot of smooching going on during the Grey's Anatomy season finale -- nothing says "season finale" like a montage of smoochyness! This season hasn't bothered me as much as it has bothered some other people -- Alan Sepinwall, for example, has been positively grumpy -- but it is nice to see that perhaps there will be a bit less of the moping and a bit more of the dancing next season. (A world in which Cristina declines an opportunity to dance it out is, as far as I'm concerned, an undesirable world.)

I enjoyed both the dating-brain-tumors and boy, no, man-in-concrete storylines -- I had no idea that encasing oneself in concrete was that problematic beyond the issue of not being able to get oneself out of the concrete -- and thought all of the guest-appearance acting was quite excellent. But I don't think that this is really what people want to be discussing. You want to talk about the smooching. And maybe some of the bleeding and the crying, or maybe the stealing. But almost certainly the smooching.