Wednesday, May 21, 2008

DAVID WINS! No, I won't say which one here, not yet, not until the West Coasters extend their TiVos by 10 minutes. My TiVo cut off at the very moment Ryan Seacrest said "And the winner is David ...," and I missed a minute's worth of the actual announcement as I had two shows set to record at 10pm. So result in the comments, and everything else, I'll spoil.

The suck:
  • Mike Myers, Mike Myers, Mike Myers. No amount of promotion will make me want to see that movie.
  • Bryan Adams' hair, and the fact that he looks like Jeff Probst's dissolute older brother.
  • Amanda Overmyer trying to sing Donna Summer. Or sing anything.
  • You get a car! You get a car!
  • Nothing was quite as awesome as Doug E. Fresh + Blake Lewis, except maybe the USC Marching Band.
  • Jimmy Kimmel's obviously pre-taped monologue.
  • Not enough Chikezie.
  • The return of Matthew Rogers.
The awesome:
I'll say this much about the result: I think the winner now understands what this means, and he showed it. More to say in comments, and after the West Coast feed.

Sepinwall kept a diary: "Seal comes out to duet with Syesha on 'Waiting For You.' After what Constantine Maroulis and other contestants have done to 'Kiss From a Rose' over the years on this show, I admire his willingness to associate himself with this show. Then again, Heidi and the baby Seals gotta eat. Not a bad number, really."

As did Dan Fienberg: "
Jordin Sparks wants us to live her American Idol dream as some Disney theme park. The attraction will include having an underperforming debut album and being put on vocal rest."