THRUPPENCE AND SIXPENCE EVERY DAY JUST TO DRIVE TO MY BABY: The problem with the Very Special Episodes of House is that they neutralize the show's greatest asset, Hugh Laurie's comic gift. They don't have to -- House was pretty funny in "Three Stories," for example -- but they often do, whether because they're keeping House busy overdosing or thinking his way out of bullet holes and bus crashes or displaying human-like emotions toward Wilson. Combine that with some clunky dialogue (and I don't blame the actors involved, who I like), and I say that as much as I want to vary the formula, in this case the formula would have been better.
Which is not to say there was nothing to like. House's new team hasn't had much to do since they were hired, but we learned something that felt important about each of them. We also saw Cuddy's protectiveness of House in its natural, unguarded state, and Chase finally got a chance to drill a hole into House's head and administer shock torture. That felt earned.