BOOMTOWN: We started with thousands, then 164 to Hollywood, then 24 in the semis, 12, 11 ... and down to David and David for the title of Your American Idol (VII). If the format holds from years past, tonight's three songs each -- one repeat from earlier in the competition, one new number and one crappy inspirational song that only Fantasia Barrino and Jordin Sparks have ever pulled off credibly.
If I'm advising the competitors, I tell Cook that even though "Music of the Night" has been his best number, as long as he has to do the inspirational song already he needs something more rockin' as balance. Bring back "Baba O'Riley" if they'll let the song go for longer they did the last time; otherwise, his semis version of Lionel Ritchie's "Hello" makes most sense. For YDA (w/HD,DE), his version of Robbie Williams' "Angels" can really work well expanded in the big room with an accompanying choir.
But, as it turns out, we've got spoilers, and I'm wrong on both counts. The format is Inspirational Song, You Pick A Song, and Clive Davis Picks A Song, and I think YDA chose wisely from his catalog, and I'm intrigued by Cook's new selection. In terms of other songs to suggest to them, I think either could have an interesting time with The Fray's "How To Save A Life," and I'd love to see YDA stretched with "Louisiana 1927".
Sepinwall's preview: "Archuleta didn't flub the lyrics every time out. Instead, clearly spooked by what happened on an uptempo number, he went back in his ballad box, giving the same sedate, technically-impressive, lifeless performance week after week. Even when he was good, he was dull. ... Not since season two's Ruben Studdard had an 'Idol' favorite been such a blatant one-trick pony, and had such a substantial charisma deficit to go along with it. The difference is, the 'Idol' producers and judges were in Ruben's corner from day one and never left, while the show in general and Simon Cowell in particular seemed to lose interest in young David weeks ago.... Really, neither result would surprise me at this point, and I'm almost rooting for Archuleta -- not to validate my premature prediction, but because I'd hate to imagine what the drive home with his dad would be like if he loses."
I'm rooting for Cook. We're all rooting for David Cook, right?