Sunday, June 22, 2008

25 TO LIFE: I'm sure most ThingThowers subscribe to EW, which, for its 1000th issue, has published "the new canon," which aims to provide us a list of the 100 best films, TV series, albums, books, and top 50 "pop culture moments that rocked fashion," stage shows, and video games, and the top 25 "innovations that changed entertainment." To kick off some discussion, I'll offer some brief observations about each category--I'm sure there'll be much to discuss:
  • Film--in many instances, seems like they chose less impressive options for some franchises or directors (Bourne Supremacy (29) over Bourne Ultimatum (does not appear) and Jerry Maguire (17) over Almost Famous (does not appear))--and seriously, a list on which those (along with Magnolia) do not appear, but manages to find room for Evil Dead 2?
  • TV--It's a little premature to put Lost at number 8--so much of our assessment of the show ill be how they ultimately resolve it. More severely? 90210 at #20 and My So-Called Life at #33?
  • Music--Back To Black at #9? Ahead of Tidal, Appetite For Destruction, and Exile in Guyville? Seriously? (Perhaps more criminal is the ordering of U2 albums--Achtung Baby at #3 and Joshua Tree at #63?)
  • Books--Bridget Jones at #20, ahead of The Corrections (#50), Bonfire of the Vanities (#57), A Prayer for Owen Meany (#73), Friday Night Lights (#74), and Presumed Innocent (#92)? Sure, the influence of Bridget Jones is significant, but Presumed Innocent also launched a genre.
  • Style--Amy Winehouse being anywhere near this list, especially without the phrase "hot mess" being used.
  • Stage--August: Osage County at #3? I know it's great by all accounts, but ahead of Sondheim, Mamet, and Neil Simon? (Also, no Proof.)
  • Videogames--Half-Life on the list, but no Half-Life 2? World of Warcraft at #49 and Madden at #50 both seem way lower than they should be
  • Tech--TiVo at #3, behind the DVD player? Sure, the DVD player was rapidly adopted, but did it really add a whole lot of capability beyond what VHS was already offering, especially since even now, it doesn't offer a ton of recording options?
There's much to discuss in there, and I leave it to you to discuss.