Monday, June 23, 2008

LET'S HAVE A (TRADE) WAR: First, we say that we'll take their tired, poor, and huddled masses, but not their 24-year-old crack-induced-emphysema sufferers, which pretty much puts the lie to the "yearning to breathe free" part. Then they tell us that, to protect their innocent bystanders from impromptu justice-obstruction, our cold-hearted uber-WASP domestic empresses are not welcome to pop over for a spot of tea. Now comes the news that their formerly* gender-bending false-burglary-reporting cocaine-hording blue-eyed-soul singers must allegedly imprison escorts elsewhere. And thus, the stock-fraud prosecutors of London and the imprisonment-disliking escorts of several large and mid-sized cities in the United States can sleep easier tonight, knowing that their governments have done everything in their power to protect them.

*Russ -- I'm trying it out without the hyphen.