I RESPECTFULLY DECLINED TO SUBMIT MYSELF FOR CONSIDERATION: GoldDerby has the list of the semi-finalists in the Emmy series category, which include surprising inclusions both joyous (The Wire, Dexter, FNL) and madenning (Family Guy, over HIMYM and The Simpsons), and some surprising exclusions (nary a bit of love for CBS' Sunday comedies, and many highly rated shows not making the list). Some surprising episode choices, too--Family Guy not going with "Blue Harvest," Boston Legal going with the well-acted but extremely political "The Court Supreme," and The Wire going with the finale, which will be interesting if it comes through to folks without prior experience with the series.
Based on this, I'm guessing Comedy will be The Office, Pushing Daisies, 30 Rock, Entourage, and Conchords, while Drama will be House, Boston Legal, Friday Night Lights, Lost, and The Wire.