Thursday, June 26, 2008

A LITTLE GIFT FOR ISAAC IN HONOR OF HIS WIFE'S FORTHCOMING BIRTHDAY: I am live-blogging the SYTYCD results show from vacation. (And I mean really live-blogging, as there's no TiVo here at the ancestral country manse among the slipcovers. Which also means that I haven't seen last night's performances, so am working exclusively off the result-show recaps.)

Extra-cool Wade Robson hobo-dead-people-can-dance group routine -- wait, that was Mia Michaels? Ok, that's weird. Is Wade going to choreograph a raw personal insight into his own mommy issues next week or something?

Chelsea and Thayne: Wow. Did that suck as much in its full-length version as it did in the recap? Everyone always talks about how hard the quickstep is, but this is the only time I can think of on this show that we could truly see the difficulty. Yick.

Joshua & Katee: I was skeptical of all the adulation that they'd received to date, given that their first two genres had been hip-hop and Broadway. Picking
Broadway is the equivalent of getting a bye for the week -- nothing America loves like a good jazz square. But that samba was great (at least what I saw of it), and Joshua is rapidly becoming one of my favorite dancers in the competition.

Chelsie & Mark: Sorry, their recap took place while I was running around trying to find the computer so I could write this. No idea what they did, but I think they're cute together and it looks like America does too.

Twitch & Kherington: Duh. These two aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Rhumba people, whose names I forget and whose identities I cannot search because of the lack of TiVo, but I'm guessing her name is either Courtney or Chelsea, because everyone else's is: Presumptive Courtney/Chelsea has the best freshly bedded hair I have ever seen. Nothing else really resonated with me during their thirty seconds of airtime.

Comfort & Chris: Comfort keeps failing to impress on dances that one would think would be in her wheelhouse. Last week she was truly meh in a hip hop routine, of all things, and while I get it that African jazz and hip hop aren't the same thing, it's still very rhythmic and big and not, say, the foxtrot. I'm not sure whether they're outclassed by the competition or whether they just need new partners.

The Tall People: Who is this choreographer? (And who writes Mary's patter? You've got something for sale and I'm buying it? Seriously?) While I was typing the thing about Mary, I missed whatever else they showed in this clip. But they're in the bottom three, so apparently I didn't miss much.

Jessica and Will: Disco is never a jidge pleaser, and I never understand why they use the genre so heavily. (Did they at least use a different choreographer this time?) But I'm glad to see Will in that slot -- like season one winner Nick Lazzarini, a really great dancer transcends the inherent cheesiness of the dance.

I am giggling at Nigel's take on Michael Caine.

Hok! Hok! Hok and friends!

And now the solos. Chelsea: last week they told her to step it up in her solo. This is better, but is it amazing? Eh.

Thayne: Bonus points for Bon Jovi and for having the ability to straddle his legs beyond 180 degrees. That was pretty good, in the classic "RUN! LEAP! RUE THE HEAVENS ABOVE WITH YOUR FISTS!" solo style.

Comfort: She seems to finally have remembered to turn the energy switch on for a solo, but she is no Hok. I get the yay for B-girls thing, but I don't see her making it to top 10 unless Nigel is really adamant that there must be a female hip hopper on the tour.

Chris: Weird outfit choice. It's like he's dancing for Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters. I'm too distracted by the outfit's incongruousness to pay attention to the dancing.

The incredible Jordin Sparks is performing live on this very stage? Yeah, I don't care. I voted for Blake.

Kourtni Love Thurman: She is so cool looking. But the lights are glinting off her hair and blinding me.

Matt: He is not cool looking. In some ways he's interestingly bendy, and in some ways he needs more joints to break up the lines of those extra-long bones. I'd keep Thayne over him if it were up to me, and I don't know what I'd do with Captain Geech.

Jordin: Mr. Cosmo and I like the fact that she still looks the way she did when she won. None of this Carrie Underwood "I do my shopping at fashion week and no longer eat" business. I still don't care about her music, but I like her personally.

Ok, I say it should be Chelsea and Matt going home. But what do the jidges think? Not a lot of dissention about the female choice, it would appear. She's going home to a warm family that will cradle her, so it's all good. And apparently the jidges like weird bendiness, whilst Captain Geech's clothes weren't masking anything noteworthy.

And so it's toodleloo to Chelsea and Chris, leaving Thayne and Comfort as our first new pairing. I'm guessing that neither of them is too terribly excited -- it's not much of a trade-up for either of them, unless the interpersonal dynamics of the prior partnerships were more problematic than they seemed.

And that's it for tonight -- the betel rinds beckon.