Thursday, June 11, 2009


Alas, if it were only true, but having now sampled the pizza that GQ's Alan Richman deemed the best in America after an exhaustive search of 109 pizzerias and 386 pies (and as Adam first blogged about here), I fear I shall never enjoy another slice again quite like those I had at Great Lake Pizzeria in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood yesterday. This was pizza-making as art, not a pie for those who are looking for 30 minutes fast or free. Richman's description of the place is spot on, and really the pizza is every bit as good as advertised. In fact, it might be better, especially the mortadella and fresh green garlic pie, which was winning over skeptics the night we were there (I forgot to snap a shot of that pizza, so above is the last half of the more standard, but still transcendental fresh mozzarella pie). The whole experience itself is quirky from the painstaking waits to the fact that by the end of your meal you'll have become very close to the people sitting nearly on top of you, but it works because everyone is there for the same reason--to enjoy a slice or two or eight of heaven. If you live in the Chicago area or are just visiting head over on a Wednesday early (they open at 5) and you should be good to go (especially in the summer, since the sidewalk tables nearly double capacity). And order at least two pies per couple, you'll be tempted to finish it all, but the leftovers the next day were better than most pies fresh from the oven.