Tuesday, June 9, 2009

TEN LANDS OF WILSON PICKETT DANCES, OR ONE STANDARD UNIT OF MANIACS: This post is the 10,000th post in the history of this site. (In terms of metric posts, we passed this mark some time ago, of course.) Yay, us!

To commemorate, I asked each of my co-bloggers to suggest a post or two which they found noteworthy in some way.

Alex noted this post which led to this follow-up. "Basically," he writes, "Because of this blog I started watching Amazing Race, which led to me randomly Googling the contestants in Season 5, which led to me discovering eventual winner Chip McCallister's unpublicized past as an actor, which led to me landing a clip in small, but at least to me significant clip in Entertainment Weekly, one of my longtime favorite publications."

Bob highlights this 2007 post on "music, baseball and family," with an honorable mention for his first Keltner List piece, which predates his formal addition to the roster here.

We nominated Isaac's by acclaim -- antitrust theory as explained by an episode of Friends, and his Lost previews known as Craphole Island Inventory (season two), We Must Never Speak Of This Again (season 3) and The Oceanic Six Speak (season five).

Kim is glad to have learned how to cook fiddlehead ferns. She is also glad that celebrities continue to give their children stupid names.

Kingsley checked in from the Ministry to force everyone to say Doodle von Taintstain one more time.

Matt enjoyed the math of "Seasons of Love" and your suggestions on titles for academic pieces on pop culture.

Phil suggested a bunch, and I do love the thing with the squid, the 4-1-06 piece on corporate adoption, his Pinter eulogy and SLAYER!.

The Pathetic Earthling says: The posts of which I have been most proud were those of last summer's Summer Cocktail Series, since we got to tap the rich vein of our commentariat for something fun and pointless -- the essential reason I love this blog. It's fun and pointless. You can revisit the cocktail series here (Dark and Stormy), here (the Combo Mah!), here (Maggie's Dad's Margaritas), here (Beer, served just so), here (Gins and Tonic), here (I Do Not Drink Beer), here (Pimm's Cup), and here (Improper Mint Julip). Cheers, all. And thanks.

And I was only going to cite 2003's Shaq v Nietzsche, but right above it is also my defense of Paul Verhoeven, and below is, well, you'll enjoy the picture at least. My Before The Law makes little sense now that the links are dead, but all our American Film Institute list-critiquing remains fresh. (I also need to note Shonda's crush on Samir Patel.) And I still believe in the audacity of Phillies hope.

Thanks for sticking around so far. We'll try to make the next 10,000 better.