ALMOST AS HIGH, ALMOST AS FAST, ALMOST AS STRONG: FINA, the unelected or possibly elected or maybe appointed or randomly selected by divine annunciation body that governs competitive swimming, has decided that it doesn't like fast swimming and therefore has banned the full-body suits that we've seen in the last two or three Olympics. So either there will be no effect, because the suits don't really help as much as everybody says they do, or we've just set swimming back a decade and nobody's going to break another record for years and years and years.
This, of course, isn't a competitive issue, since the suits are available to anybody who wants to buy them. And it isn't exactly a pure stance against the swimsuit technology, since it is still allowing the suits from waist to knee for men and from shoulder to knee for women. And it isn't quite fair that the women get a half-body's worth more use of the supposedly unfair technology than the men. It's just the work of a governing body that doesn't like the way modern technology has helped its athletes. What would happen if every other sport -- NASCAR, IAAF, whoever controls cycling -- just said "we're rolling all car/shoe/bike/apparel technology back to what was available 30 years ago"? Slower times: yay.