Thursday, April 22, 2010

I HAVE TWO LITTLE GREEN MEN PROTECTING ME: Dan asks the proper question regarding Survivor: "completely brilliant or brilliantly stupid?" I'm going with the former, because we've seen in too many seasons how important getting this immediate result right can be for the endgame -- but part of it is just how much I enjoyed being blindsided like that, and I'd love to know how much of that was planned (and known by the participants in advance).


  1. On the plus side: JT is gone.  He is a complete effing moron.  And I kinda love Parvati right now (I've actually loved her all season)... but I think it's going to backfire on her.  The obvious event for next week is that Sandra will side with the remaining heroes, and pluck off the villains one by one.  (Which likely means that won't happen.)  Still, that blindside was pretty terrific.

  2. ... and, of course, I should have waited until seeing the "Next time on Survivor" clips.  Sandra *looks* like she's taking control... and I certainly hope she does, because I LOVE her; always have.

  3. What can the Heroes offer her, though?  Either way, she's not in control -- is she?

  4. I don't know if the heroes need to offer her much of anything.  Sandra knows she's the odd one out on the villains -- so it's basically four villains, four heroes, and her.  She's already told Rupert the truth about Russell/Parvati running the show, so the heroes have reason to seek her out to save themselves.  I guess it's not so much that she's in control... but she's definitely the swing vote for next week.

  5. I don't fully understand why she thought she wasn't in danger?

    I'm getting totally fed up with the casual sexism on this show. The heroes assuming that the only way the Villains could be voting the men out would be if the women were running things (because of course people vote along gender lines, and why else would a man go?); Probst constantly belittling the women and calling on men for decisions; JT first talking about how they have to get all the women out and then talking about how they can't be trusted; Russell furious that somehow Parvati knew something he didn't (and constantly demeaning women in each episode - including Sandra and Courtney to their faces a few episodes back).  Argh.

  6. She can also wait until the following week when she and Jerri could swing to join the remaining three heroes, becuase Jerri has to realize she's #4 in an alliance of three.

  7. Parvati thought she wasn't in danger because Amanda told her she'd need to play the immunity idol, which Parvati properly read as an effort to flush out the idol. 

    Probst's sexism bothers me a lot more than the competitors'; he's got more responsibility.  For JT and Russell, it's depicting their sexism and, at least in the former's case, ultimately punishing him for it.

  8. I think it has more to do with Parvati's actions on Survivor: Micronesia where she pulled together the five remaining women and formed a Women's Alliance to vote off the men, and she ended up winning $1 million in the end. Russell is playing on the heroes' knowledge of what Parvati has done in the past to make them think that she is doing it (Women's Alliance) again. and it worked out well for Russell. **and Russell has been demeaning everyone since he first arrived on survivor: samoa. probst, on the other hand, is probably just sexist.

  9. Renee6:06 AM

    Great episode!  Couldn't wait for everyone to post on it.  I don't think anyone knew about it in advance except for maybe Danielle.  Jerri seemed genuinely surprised and Sandra seemed somewhat surprised.  Russell obviously didn't know and was shocked that Parvati kept a secret from him.

  10. Probst, on Russell's sexism:

    Now let’s get to the good stuff!  Russell is a great player who is making potentially disastrous mistakes because of good ole hormones.  Say what you want, tell me I’m wrong, I remain convinced that he is doing this because of Parvati’s flirtatious ways.

    He would not give that idol to Sandra, even if Sandra was in his alliance.  He wouldn’t give it to Danielle who IS in his alliance.  He wouldn’t give it to anybody else, but for a second time… he gave it to Parvati…with no idea she already had one of her own.

  11. Maggie12:10 PM

    Probst's EW blog is ridiculous.  JT finished strong, really? 

  12. bella wilfer12:20 PM

    AUGH what a fantastic episode! I'm having a bit of premorse (TM this site) for next season just knowing it can't compare to the awesomeness of this one.  

    Adam - I agree that Russell is making disastrous mistakes b/c of hormones, but you have to also give Parvati credit for realizing Russell's achilles heel (or other body part) and playing into that.  Every episode of this season I gain more respect for Parvati and her ability to disguise a truly canny strategic game as a "my strategy is flirting" game.  It's clear that flirting is PART of her strategy, but it goes a lot deeper.

    Was also impressed with Danielle's refusal to bend to Parvati's wanting to win the immunity challenge (though it was clear Parv knew she probably wouldn't win that argument) - I wonder if we'll see a late-game challenge to Parvati's dominance from her "lady in waiting."  

  13. bella wilfer12:28 PM

    And, sorry, Adam - didn't realize that whole post was quoting Probst's EW column, thought you'd just linked to it.  Should have realized that only Jeff Probst writes things like "good ole hormones"...just erase my "Adam" in the above post and put in "Jeffrey" (tm Courtney).  

  14. Carmichael Harold4:15 PM

    I'm surprised that the report wasn't about his wife beating him about the head after watching Russell give yet another immunity idol to Parvati.

  15. Adam C.8:39 PM

    The surprise factor on this news is prettay, prettay low.  
