Wednesday, August 10, 2011

IT'S THE FUTURE, AND KICKBOXING STILL ISN'T A MAJOR SPORT:  As (unofficial) ALOTT5MA Unnecessary Remakes Week continues, let's clarify what Cameron Crowe has said about a Say Anything sequel. Indeed, at TCA last week Crowe did confess:
It’s the only thing that I’ve written that I would consider doing that with. “I’ve thought about it from time to time and talked about it with John Cusack once and just said this is the only story that I kind of think there might be another chapter to that at some point.
But as Crowe's own website points out, in 2005 he dismissed the possibility:
I used to think for a while that it would be the one movie I’d do a sequel to, because there was more to be said about Lloyd. Then I went to see High Fidelity, and I thought, “You know what, that movie says a lot of the things that I would probably want to say in a sequel to Say Anything…, so congratulations, it exists.
And in the comments to that post, Crowe added: "I have to admit, it's a powerful thing to read the reactions to mentioning that I still think about those characters. I was always so inspired that Francois Truffaut kept returning to Antoine Doinel. If I ever did return to Lloyd, it would probably be a reflection on optimism... what survives, what doesn't, what happens when a great and true love arrives so early in your life... maybe it'll be a short story, or maybe it will have all ended with that ding."