Wednesday, September 28, 2011

SO PUT ANOTHER DIME IN THE JUKEBOX, BABY: Frequent commenter Chuck writes, “So a case settled, leaving me time to ponder Donna Summer’s inability to garner much Hall of Fame traction and whether it was largely due to genre, which led me to ponder the spectrum of women in rock, from Very Much Rock to Don’t Rock. Very hard to distinguish between rock SOUND and rock ATTITUDE.

"Here’s an attempt to rank 31 data points (this is not a list of ALL women who rock or don’t rock -- the attempt was to fill out the spectrum), from rocking-est to mocking-est. It is imperfect but worthy of discussion. Personally, I found it most hard to figure out where the Lilith crowd fits in. One way to think of this is, “If I’m an annoyingly macho guy, whose concert would I be least embarrassed to be seen at?” Note that where an artist who had a significant solo career and career in a band is listed, her entire career is considered (eg. Natalie Merchant). Here’s the list:"

Very Much Rock

1 Joan Jett
2 Patti Smith
3 Courtney Love
4 The Pretenders/Chrissie Hynde
5 Pat Benatar
6 Heart /Wilson sisters

Kind of Rock
7 Tina Turner
8 Steve Nicks
9 The Go Gos
10 Blondie/Deborah Harry

Rocking Less and Less
11 Avril Lavigne
12 Gwen Stefani
13 Aimee Mann
14 Tracy Chapman
15 Natalie Merchant
16 Sarah McLachlan
17 Tori Amos
18 Annie Lennox
19 The Bangles

Have Aspects Of Rock Attitude But Don’t Really Rock Often Or At All
20 Cher
21 Janet Jackson
22 Lady Gaga
23 Madonna

Don’t Rock Much At All And Don’t Really Have Decreasing Aspects Of Rock Attitude
24 Beyonce
25 Britney Spears
26 Donna Summer
27 Whitney Houston
28 Mariah Carey

Don’t Be Silly, They Simply Don’t Rock
29 Wilson Phillips
30 Celine Dion
31 Barbra Streisand