Monday, September 26, 2011

SORT OF LIKE IRISH SPRING ... BUT WITH ARABS:  I don't plan to blog about The Good Wife every week, and this wasn't a particularly great episode anyway.**  The case of the week wasn't particularly smart other than the initial gambit from Cary, and there was a little too much Kalinda Magic this week.

That said, if you were wondering (as was I) what the deal was with that random tutor-slash-flashmobber, there's a backstory. As always, The Good Wife remains the gold standard by which tv shows trying to integrate technology into plotlines are measured.

** Look, I understand the need to get everyone up to speed and set the chess board for the season, though the Sophia plot apparently had to be abandoned longterm given the actress's hiring by L&O:SVU. I'm just bugged from a legal ethics perspective by Eli Gold's status at the firm. Illinois Rule of Professional Conduct 5.4 is clear that Eli can't be a partner of the firm, so what is he--a vendor renting space?