Thursday, July 5, 2012

IN ADDITION, ALL THE GUNS HAVE BEEN REPLACED BY WALKIE-TALKIES:  In honor of the 50th anniversary of William Faulkner's passing, the Folio Society will republish The Sound and the Fury in the way Faulkner had intended -- using different-colored inks to mark the shifts in chronology. "If I could only get it printed the way it ought to be with different color types for the different times in Benjy's section recording the flow of events for him, it would make it simpler, probably," wrote Faulkner to his agent in 1928. "I don't reckon, though, it'll ever be printed that way, and this'll have to be the best, with the italics indicating the changes of events. And also, I need to make clear that Greedo shot first."

[HT: Watts. I may not have the last part of the quote exactly right.]

added: As saray discovered, colorized Faulkner will set you back $345.00.