Sunday, September 11, 2005

DARTH VADER IS LUKE'S FATHER: A warning for sensitive viewers--the TiVo/TV Guide descriptions of this week's and next week's episodes of Gilmore Girls contain substantial spoilers, including the answer given to last season's season-ending cliffhanger proposal, so be wary. I'm often too much of a spoiler whore for my own good (I peeked in the novelization to confirm whether the rumors of deaths in Serenity are true, and if so, who the victims are), but I know certain folks are wary.

Also, don't forget to set your TiVo's to appropriate things to the new season--if you prefer Boston Legal to L&O:SVU, make sure Boston Legal is higher in your Season Pass list, and make sure to resolve the West Wing and Simpsons conflict, as that starts in two weeks. Also, be careful with your Lost season passes if you also plan to watch Apprentice: Martha or Top Model--ABC is airing a recap/preview special at 8 PM next Wednesday before the new season starts.

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