Wednesday, September 16, 2009

THE ONE ABOUT THE RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S GAME (via sconstant): Apparently, someone among us didn't understand why all these women were suddenly showing up with the same haircut, what all the random clapping with umbrellas around water fountains was about, or why the show Joey was greenlighted (well, none of us understand the last one).

And that person, the winner of the first annual ALOTT5MA Humie award, is Nowhereman. 136 people of 140 participants had seen Friends. (Technically this means the Humie should be shared with 3 others, we acknowledge and quickly moveon.)

Runner-up humiliees were: KR who missed ET (134 people didn't) and several million school bus jokes (Q: What's ET short for? A: He has little legs.); jam, who missed the Bunch (131); Cecelia and Jen, who have not watched the Simpsons (128 people have) or other Important Animated Sitcoms (127). Most shockingly to me, some non-trivial number of blog readers haven't seen American Idol. Other lacunae can be explained away by remoteness in time or niche-ness, but the fact that some 17% of respondents have not seen any American Idol just boggles me. Now we know why they're bringing on Ellen, I guess.

The Anti-Humies go to the following, who gave the maximum possible points by having seen everything: Other Kate, Maret Julie S-G, Neato Torpedo, Adlai, djg, Joseph Finn, bella wilfer, emilygwynne, Deanna and Mo1's Wife. And honorable mention must go to our hermits, who have each seen 11 or fewer of the 20 candidates in the spreadsheet -- barkylab, Dan S., tina m, Barb, Becky, Renee, Janetm, Becky S and Katelyn.

We are also calling in, because as J. Bowman notes, four people have seen an episode of the Simpsons, but have not seen any episodes of The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy or King of the Hill. Matt Groening is demanding a recount.

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