IT IS ALWAYS GOOD TO SEE ROSALIND SHAYS GET THE SHAFT: I'm kinda impressed that the list of 30 Most Surprising Moments In TV History contains two different Mark Harmon roles within the top four ... and yet still didn't pick the right show. I'll explain why below the fold.
Number four was when he got shot on The West Wing -- surprising, sure, except insofar as the arc of the character almost demanded that something bad happen. (More surprising on TWW was Mrs. Landingham's death, perhaps.) Number two was when Kate Todd was shot on NCIS -- like Harmon's own shooting on TWW, a second fatal assailant once the deceased-to-be was thought to be in the clear.
But, seriously, didn't St. Elsewhere's Dr. Bobby Caldwell (Harmon) finding out he had AIDS -- the first major tv character to do so (and years before our diagnostics improved) kinda trump both in the "surprising" department?
(#1 on the list, FYI: You get a car! You get a car!)