Thursday, September 30, 2010

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE? I DON'T BELONG HERE: We here at this blog have waited for this cultural moment for some time.

Friday, at last, we can come together to watch the true story of a man desperately in need of being popular who recognized young people as the means for his doing so, who fought against the skeptics and haters along the way who insisted he was only in it for himself.  It was all about finding a new way to relate and, in the end, every student he met was transformed by his actions.

Yes, the Tony Danza reality series Yo, Teach! debuts on A&E Friday night, and Ellen Gray's a fan.

added:  Oh.  As for that movie, Taiwan's Next Media Animation provides an overview, after the fold:


  1. My first thought was that this was going to be the Admiral Stockdale story.

  2. Setting the DVR now.

  3. Joseph J. Finn12:02 AM

    Oh, Admiral Stockdale.  You didn't deserve to go out that way.

  4. The Pathetic Earthling1:18 AM

    I agree with you there.  After all that decent, honorable service to America, to be stuck at Stanford...

  5. Dan Suitor1:59 AM

    From what I've heard (on NPR's Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast), Danza approaches it completely seriously.

  6. Joseph J. Finn9:15 AM

    Oooooooh, burn.

  7. Devin McCullen9:42 AM

    I have to admit, when I read the description, I thought you were talking about one of the movies opening this week.  Although defining Let Me In from the point of view of Richard Jenkins' character seems like an odd way to go, I've learned to expect unusual approaches from you guys.

  8. I believe the Tony Danza show is simply "Teach," not to be confused with "Yo, Teach!"

  9. Which is why I've always called it Yo, Teach! anyway, but I had no idea about the YouTube page. Wow.

  10. Here's an article from the National Education Assoc on his show:

  11. bill.7:26 PM

    I have no doubt that Danza approached his acting career completely seriously.
